The Äppelwoi Komitee, a discussion club for emigrants from Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, has already held six meetings outside the major cities. The program includes lectures, workshops, and networking with comrades from Germany, the Czech Republic, Serbia, France, and Poland. It’s a place to talk through issues, support each other, and take action together to find solutions and build a stronger community. In the discussions, participants try to figure out who they are as emigrants and what they want.

The main goal from September 2023 is to build support networks for anti-authoritarian activists forced to emigrate, who value the principles of direct democracy. Isolation can lead to people becoming less active over time. By sharing experiences and knowledge, we can keep the community connected and growing, building resources and influence.

Media about us:

No Future: “The challenge is to unite activists in foreign countries”

Pramen: “An opportunity to meet people with similar views”

SOTAvision: “A German-based initiative uniting leftists forced to leave their countries“

The Black Book of Capitalism: “Two days were packed to the brim with lectures and meetings”

Not today: “Isolation leads to the atomization and gradual fading of once active people” (IN ENGLISH)

Valerie Brosch. “Gegen die russische Staatsgewalt Berichte von anarchistischem Widerstand und alternativloser Solidarität”:  “They try to bring people with different expertise together so that they can learn from each other. They create a continuous connection between people through regularity, which is important for an organization”.

Public incitement: “A platform to bring together people seeking to support each other in a foreign land”

Avtonom: “The program of the meeting was varied. The participants left the meeting with deep and strong impressions”.



